Gerber Export Guide

This article describes the preferred method for generating Gerber and Drill files to print circuits on the Voltera V-One. Before proceeding, it is recommended to read the Circuit Design Guidelines.

Note: Screenshots are of OrCAD PCB Designer 17.4 running on Windows 10. The exact names of the settings presented may differ based on the software version, operating system, and circuit design in question.

Gerber Parameters

From the PCB Designer, navigate to Export > Gerber Parameters.

Device Type is Gerber RS274X Output units is Millimeters Format is Integer Places: 3 & Decimal Places: 5 Suppress has Trailing Zeroes checked

Exporting Gerbers

From the PCB Designer, navigate to Export > Gerber. Check the TOP and BOTTOM layer boxes If you have a solder paste layer, make sure it's checked as well. Click on Create Artwork

Drill File Parameters

From the PCB Designer, navigate to Export > NC Parameters.

Format is 3 and 5 Output Units is Metric Check Trailing zero suppression Check Enhanced Excellon Format

Exporting a Drill File

From the PCB Designer, navigate to Export > NC Drill. Check Auto tool select Click on Drill to export the file

If the Gerber loads successfully into the V-One software but the drill file does not, please make sure that the Format settings match for the Gerber and export settings.

If the design fails to load please try resaving the exports through gerbV in the process listed on this support page.

Last updated