Release Notes

Current Release: v1.12 - October 1, 2024

Dispense workflow:

  • Modified the workflow for uploading designs. Designs are now selected and loaded before choosing materials. Once materials are selected, toolpaths for design files will be generated. Materials will reset when loading a different pattern.


  • Improved XYZ positioner detection with the camera

  • Refined gantry backlash compensation calculations


  • Adjusted the default setting for the camera white balance to improve the quality of the camera feed

  • Behind the scenes: NOVA’s console now shows a print length estimate after toolpaths are generated for a design

Minor bugs:

  • Fixed a few UI typos and formatting issues

  • Resolved a bug where no image was captured during flow check if other windows are open

  • Corrected a bug where the app was not refreshing after updating

  • Improved the camera crosshair to ensure it is reliably centered in the frame

  • Updated the text in calibration pressure estimation step to 10,000 to reflect the maximum pressure setting for this workflow

Previous Releases:

v1.11 - July 3, 2024


  • Camera centering procedure: Improving reliability and consistency in finding the XYZ positioner.

  • SVG files: Improving processing and addressing issues with rotational transformations, providing a more accurate representation of designs in NOVA's software.

  • A few minor fixes in the user interface.

v0.1.10 - May 14, 2024


Nova Connection

  • We improved the procedure that generates tool paths in order to minimize the chance of a ‘Connection lost’ message from showing while loading a print file.

  • If a connection to NOVA is lost at any point the toolpaths will be synchronized automatically when reconnected.

File Handling

  • Improvements to the performance and accuracy of probe point generation for height mapping.

Before improvementsAfter improvements

  • The size limit for SVG files is no longer capped to 200 mm x 200 mm, it now properly reflects the work area on NOVA but we recommend keeping your file under 300 mm x 220 mm so that the full design can be accurately probed.

Camera Improvements

  • Improvements to the image stability from the camera when calculating the µm to pixel ratio during autofocusing.

  • We increased the delay before taking a picture to make sure the gantry has stabilized. The increase is to 800ms, so it won’t add a noticeable change to the length of a workflow, but it will lead to crisper pictures the first time around.

Other Fixes

  • There is no longer a risk of crashing when a material has no batch associated with it. Additionally, a user is no longer able to delete the last batch of a material.

  • We updated our SSL certificate for the domains associated with the software.

  • We also changed our version numbering format, so instead of this version being v0.1.10 it is v1.10

Gantry Firmware

  • New gantry firmware version 1.0.10 with some minor tweaks.

  • Added StallGuard data logging and ability to modify the limits with console commands. This should only be needed if advised by Voltera Support.

v0.1.9 - March 5, 2024


Calibration Workflow

We’ve adjusted the pressure limit in the calibration workflow to 10000, it was previously capped at 3000. This will make calibrating materials with other nozzle geometries a better experience.

It’s important to keep a close eye on the dispenser during the ‘Estimate Pressure’ step to ensure your paste doesn’t rupture in your cartridge as you move to higher pressure.

Flow Check

Users now have the option to skip the flow check step in the dispensing workflow. We still recommend going through the flow check step for most prints, but this can be helpful for situations where the printing location needs to be adjusted and the dispenser is still ready from a previous print.

Also, Pausing during the flow check step will no longer cause the machine to lock up.

File Loading

Users are able to cancel a file load, this can be helpful if the file is taking too long and you’d like to try again with another file.

Camera Calculations

The pixel to µm nudge adjustment button is more reliable and will no longer lock when it reaches 25 µm.

User Switching

We’ve made some UI improvements to the ‘Device Offline’ notification window.

Also, the ‘Device is Ready’ window will now only show up if a user has no active workflow.

Firmware Updates

Dispenser firmware v1.0.7 includes:

  • Improved SPI communication

  • We identified the main cause of the ‘0 not connected’ error and were able to reduce the chances occurrence.

Gantry firmware v1.0.9 includes:

  • Improve handling of unsafe movements

v0.1.8 - January 16, 2024

New Features:

(1) Calibration directly on your substrate

Thanks to user feedback, we have now added the ability to perform a calibration workflow directly on substrates in addition to the existing calibration plate. During the calibration setup step in the calibration workflow there is the option to select a substrate to calibrate on in the advanced options:

(2) We overhauled the experience for multiple users using one machine

Previously, when multiple users were working on the same NOVA, it was too easy to interrupt an existing workflow and cause a loss in progress. To address this, we’ve implemented some changes to when and how a user can take over a machine. This should result in no further interruptions during a workflow.

  • For this to work we added support for multiple user profiles and persistent authentication that are tied to the browser client.

  • A new login screen with the option to continue as "Guest" was added.

  • There are newly added device in use pages implemented with clear messaging for next steps on how to access NOVA based on who is currently connected and how they are connected.

  • User sessions can no longer be overridden by incoming connections from another user.

  • Active procedures are wiped when a new connection is established. This should also resolve the frequency of the prompt to continue or restart a workflow.

(3) More control over AR scaling during alignment

We found the consistency of the scaling calculation has been affecting the accuracy of alignment for some users, especially for prints requiring very precise alignment. To address this, we’ve updated the units from mm/px to µm/px as well as adding lock and nudge options to the µm to px ratio during alignment. This will give users more control over scaling of the AR overlay and the ability to fine tune it.

(4) Some UI updates

Not too much to note here, we have a couple small updates to the UI:

  • We simplified the materials selection UI when choosing materials for a workflow.

  • We changed the application font from Raleway to Monorale for a more consistent text layout.

Other Fixes:

  • The console will now auto scroll when a user submits a command.

  • Fixed issue where a user couldn’t select toolpaths when a circuit was rotated 90 degrees.

  • To be more intuitive to the user we reversed keyboard control for rotating a circuit in the alignment step.

  • Fixed an issue with the application stalling where loading empty files or Gerber files with no features would freeze NOVA.

  • The back button when viewing a material in the Materials Explore library was fixed.

  • If required, the vacuum will turn on after the mount substrate step in dispense and calibration procedures and there is now a note in that step to let a user know it will turn on.

Removed Features:

  • We’ve been focused on bringing improvements to many other areas of NOVAs software and we haven’t been able to prioritize the work needed to bring the automated flow check and calibration procedures up to the same level. We are removing the automatic estimate pressure, flow check and grade pattern procedures for the time being until they are in a better state.

v0.1.7 - October 24, 2023

New Features:

  • Improved the calibration process by adding the option to clean the priming plate and continue after the maximum number of printed calibration patterns is reached.

  • Introduced the ability to send custom SPI commands to hardware through the console(~).

  • The console(~) now uses local storage for command history.

  • Added the ability to download JSON formatted machine logs via the console(~).

  • Added ACI FS0142 as a preloaded locally available material and discontinued ACI FE3124 as a preloaded local material. Both are also available through the Explore Page.


  • We now filter out duplicate wireless SSIDs that appear on the network page.

  • Resolved issue of uncaught software errors causing device to become unresponsive.

  • We now prevent movements caused by arrow keys or clicking on the camera stream when the gantry (or) camera is busy.

  • Interruptions while probing the calibration plate no longer proceed to probing the print bed.

  • We refactored how images are stored to reduce network bandwidth, prevent crashes and speed up camera dependent procedures.

Browser Compatibility:

  • Toolpath selection for Firefox is now fully functional with the addition of polyfill.

v0.1.6 - August 29, 2023

New Features:

  • There’s a new look and feel to along with a simpler onboarding procedure.

  • Added the ability for users to control software updates to avoid interrupting workflows (this feature will take effect on future releases).


  • Enabling machine learning features has been moved to the ‘Your Account’ section to require an explicit beta opt-in setting.

  • Added outgoing message to responses in application console logs for easier parsing of numeric responses.

  • The camera will now always position before other tools. This avoids traveling to XYZ-switch later in a workflow and gives tools a safer location to start positioning.

  • Release notes are pulled from the cloud when connection is available to show the user the latest available release information.


  • Fixed bug where deleting images in camera gallery could cause application crash.

  • Fixed bug where corrupted local materials caused application to crash on startup.

  • Fixed issue causing a "Failure to Match Circle" error. Restored maximum iterations to converge to delta less than 1px of center of circle.

  • Corrected small graphical error causing line to appear below header control panel at some resolutions/zooms.

  • Fixed network monitor that would boot a user from workflow after 60 minutes when the WIFI dongle was attached without an internet connection.

  • Updated fav-icon in application to reflect new branding.


  • Dispenser:

    • Clamped movement to 1.5mm from top of piston to avoid timeouts when depressurizing.

  • Gantry:

    • Refactored side rail led interface, adding command:

      • M95 R<0-255> G<0-255>B<0-255> Q<0-3> S<0-2> C

    • Increased XY jerk values to 50mm/min

v0.1.5 - July 4, 2023

New Features:

  • We’ve added a hard stop button to replace the release motors button. This will immediately reset the gantry and both tools. Then it will home the dispenser and abort the current sequence.

  • We’ve added the ability for a user to detect and purge any inactive wireless networks.

  • We’ve added new console commands to control the camera directly.


  • If there is a failure to detect the thumbscrew at the XYZ switch, NOVA will home the gantry and refocus before retrying twice.

  • A failure to achieve good results with the faster autofocus algorithm will fallback to scanning focus algorithm.

  • We’ve added a warning when the software determines that the mm to px ratio cannot be calculated and it will fall back to default of 0.02273 mm/px.

  • We’ve reduced the number of segments generated on small curves to reduce planner artifacts and speed up processing times.


  • We now filter out networks without SSIDs from the networking settings.

  • We’ve added an automatic WIFI network scan step when the networking settings are opened.

  • We’ve corrected the offset calculation when clicking on the camera overlay to adjust position.

  • We’ve added a recovery step when the gantry errors to resolve potential freezing on startup.

  • To ensure more reliable homing in the Y axis, we increased the distance the Y axis moves away from the home position upon starting to home to 6mm and the maximum travel distance in homing was increased to 335mm.


  • We fixed an issue in the gantry firmware where jerk settings could be overwritten.

  • The dispenser firmware now resets pressure and temperature ADC on startup to fix the “141 Invalid Temperature” error.

v0.1.4 - May 24, 2023


  • Updated SSL certificates for

v0.1.3 - April 19, 2023


  • Proactive Support: when a user sees an error message they can opt-in to proactive support. Allow support to deliver solutions more quickly and maximize the value our customers get from the Nova.


  • Dispenser firmware version 1.0.4, rolled back addition of Atomic Blocks. Lower dispense temperature target.

  • Gantry firmware 1.0.2, fix for floating dispenser and height issue during printing.


  • Removed full refresh of login and settings page whenever application state changes.

  • Simplified quality step of calibration procedure.

  • Reduced quality of images that stream during autofocus procedure for faster focusing.

  • Reduced autofocus error to warning.

  • Added timestamps for sequences in the ~ console.

  • Added ability to log probe measurements in the ~ console with the LOG_PROBE_MEASUREMENTS command.

v0.1.2 - January 30, 2023


  • BETA FEATURE: Created an automated workflow for calibrating new inks using machine learning to detect print quality. Note - This feature has been tested using ACI FE3124, and is optimized for materials that have similar color, texture, and print characteristics.


  • Fixed bug where gantry recovers incorrectly after a plan aborts due to an error or manual stop, potentially crashing nozzles or probe tip.

  • Corrected the double inversion of the y-axis in the advanced alignment interface.

  • Resolved issue that was preventing load job from loading circuit and alignment.

  • Fixed issue where certain sequences would not stop after a plan aborts or a manual user stop requested.


  • Improved probe point generation for very small features.

  • Tool safety enhancement -- improved sequence recovery after a plan aborts or is manually stopped.

  • Added a reset password option on the login screen.

  • Dispenser will home when user stops a print to avoid leakage.

  • SVG Planner:

    • Fixed issue causing svg circuits to be mirrored horizontally.

    • Fixed issue centering svg circuits


  • Dispenser firmware upgraded to execute interupts atomically.

  • Added ability to set pressure sensor calibration coefficients through the console

v0.1.1 - November 22, 2022


  • Added beta support for loading SVG files.


  • Resolved 143 Pressure Move error while pressurising dispenser.

  • Resolved failure to communicate to gantry after soft restart by power cycling the gantry.

  • Fixed bug causing unnecessary error in focusing on XYZ during calibration.

  • Resolved issue where soft-restarts would cumulatively consume disk space.

  • Improved temperature out of bounds error to indicate that the user should reconnect their dispenser.


  • Reduced size of application container for faster software updates.

v.0.1.0 - October, 2022


  • Cleaned UI when scanning substrates.

  • XYZ Cycles for Probe and Dial Indicator reduced to 1. (Speed up positioning)

  • Alignment step can now be skipped

  • Reduced gCode console transmission delay. (More responsive console)

  • Clicking release should stop all active plans & abort active sequence.

  • When scanning substrates, the scanned regions in the minimap are now clickable.


  • Fixed issue with aligned circuit jumping to a different position when centering on XYZ.

  • Fixed issue where UI wouldn't indicate probe targets were being recomputed.

  • Fixed issue where plans could not be stopped, if stopped during XYZ positioning.

  • Fixed issue where camera would not focus correctly aftera failed attempt.

v0.0.9 - September 21, 2022


  • Optimized probe point order to reduce travel distance.

  • Optimized dispensing toolpath order to reduce travel distance.


  • Console can now accept commands meant for attachments. (Dispenser, Probe, XYZ Positioner)

Last updated